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Press Release

The provincial government has announced Ontario will move to step three of its Roadmap to Reopen on Friday, July 16, 2021. All current restrictions for dealerships remain in effect until then. However, as local public healthofficials have the ability to hold their regions back from entering step three, dealerships should check with their local public health unit for the most updated information that applies to their area.

Once Ontario enters step three, the following restrictions for dealerships will apply:

  • Capacity must be limited to allow everyone inside to stay at least two metres apart from one another. A sign must be posted to notify the public of this restriction.
  • Masks or face coverings that cover a person’s mouth, nose and chin must be worn indoors. Everyone indoors must stay at least two metres apart.
  • Masks or face coverings must be worn during test drives.
  • Line-ups and patrons congregating must stay two metres apart both inside and outside. Masks or face coverings must be worn in line-ups.
  • All dealership employees and customers participating in test drives must be actively screened in accordance with directions from the province’s Chief Medical Officer of Health. Signs must be posted for all other customers with information on how they can screen themselves.
  • safety plan must be prepared and made available upon request.