

Purchasing cars internationally is easy and guaranteed

One of Canada's leading businesses in the worldwide sales of vehicles.

Headquartered in Canada and China. TEDA EXPORT possesses a large sales team, which allows for the purchase of domestic and International vehicles. Our logistics personnel manages the loading of each sold vehicle in containers from the most important ports in North America to anywhere in the world, in record time.

Export Documentation Provided
  • With every car purchased through us, we provide the necessary official documents required for our clients to import their vehicle into the desired final destination’s port.

Export Documentation

No taxes or hidden fees
  • When you purchase with Imperial Export, we do not charge additional sales taxes on your vehicle, nor any extra hidden fees.

Hidden fees

Secure Shipping & All Risk Insurance Included
  • Not only do we transport your car for free, we make sure that the shipping container is secured with proper customs ID tags and your vehicle is insured.

Secure Shipping

Thinking of the future of cars?
  • We too are ahead of the the evolution of electric and hybrid vehicles.
  • Let your next car purchase be an electric or hybrid and join us in the future of the automotive industry.

The Future

Payment and Financing
  • Financing of vehicles until these reach their final destination (available only for select ports).
  • 100% LC accepted.
