
making car ownership simpler.

  • Until a single car
    is presented
    1356 hours

    TEDA AUTO has introduced new products through endless research and development, and
    TEDA AUTO is now the Canada’s leading auto group that promotes Cutting edge technology,Great customer service, and Transparency.

  • Endless effort for quality control for the safety of customers
    23214 min

    TEDA AUTO only provides nationally tested and certified cars and services for the safety of our global clients.

  • Sincere customer
    satisfaction service
    180 sec

    TEDA AUTO is providing fast and accurate customer satisfaction service by working together
    with TEDA’s customer satisfaction center at the Canada and China head quarter for sincere customer satisfaction service.


Hello Tomorrow

To serve people worldwide. By providing our customers with an unparalleled automotive buying experience.


To revolutionize the automotive industry and to be industry leader in providing unmatched quality automotive products and services.


  • Communication

    Building an interactive trust through communication and open heart sharing corporate philosophy through communication, and building uniformity to achieve the goal

  • Creating customer value

    Provides products and services that can create customer satisfaction and new value through the customer-based thinking Creates continuous customer satisfaction through endless quality improvement and warranty service management

  • Pride

    Builds pride as TEDA family that opens the sustainable and growing future together Builds culture where partners will be proud for growing together

  • Pioneering spirit

    Passion that leads the changes with endless challenge Speed management that creates the timing for market lead through fast decision making

  • Transparent management

    Transparent and fair management through stringent management philosophy Fulfilling responsibility as a fair company through protecting share holder benefit and social contribution